Members of Creatalsoftware

Merso Aweheo ~ The creator and founder of Creatalsoftware. They started it on January 26th, 2016 and is the story writer behind everything related to Garenburg.

Pancake Fox ~ The younger brother of Merso Aweheo.

Exploding Tacos Games ~ The publishing name for Unicode and Android applications.

Guest - Emrys ~ He is the artist of all the character portraits in the Möbius Strip.

Guest - Thane ~ He is the artist of all the tilesets and backgrounds of the Möbius Strip, as well as artist for some enmies such as Airfish, Mudhand, and the upgraded enemies in Day 5 of Garenburg Woods.

Guest - Turkey Thomas ~ The artist of all the character sprites in the Möbius Strip.

Guest - Remmie ~ She is the artist behind the enemy "Floweye" in Garenburg Woods.